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Mentor-Me-Jesus (Insight from Matthew)

Mentor-Me-Jesus (MMJ) is a bible study structure that allows individuals to learn directly from the footprints of Jesus through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. With an initial focus on the book of ”Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John”. We chose to start with these four scriptures because these scriptures have a record of Jesus being present on the earth realm before ascension. Mentor-Me-Jesus (MMJ) is intended to help individuals gain a vast understanding and insight to;


Prerequisite required to gain the best from Mentor-Me-Jesus (MMJ).

In other to successfully gain the relevant insight from MMJ you need to have a sound relationship with the Holy Spirit.

Why do I need a sound relationship with the Holy Spirit?

The Holy Spirit is the channel through whom we are granted access to the character, personality, countenance, etc of our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 2:11 (AMP), For what person knows the thoughts and motives of a man except the man’s spirit within him? So also no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.

How do I build and maintain a sound relationship with the Holy Spirit?

1) The first stage of building a relationship with the Holy Spirit is by accepting the finished work of our Lord Jesus on the cross ”Salvation” (if you have not done it, CLICK THIS LINK to do it now).

2) Familiarize yourself with the Scriptures, because the Holy Spirit will speak to you through the scriptures. You can experience the Holy Ghost with the utterance of speaking in tongues ( our heavenly language) at the very moment you say yes to Christ. It can be at baptism just like Jesus, it can be much earlier or much later like the saint in Ephesus (Acts 19 verse 1 and 2). It is determined by your readiness to receive.

3) Live a life of holiness because;

  • Holiness fosters intimacy with God and builds spiritual strength and stability (Psalm 15:1-6)
  • Holiness makes us useful and effective for God’s purposes (2 Timothy 2:20-26)
  • Holiness in your life causes people around you to glorify God (1 Peter 2:9-12)

4) Pray that the Lord will fill you with His Spirit and empower you to walk by the Spirit. Then watch and listen for opportunities to obey the Spirit’s promptings.

Topic: An Insight into;

  1. the character of Christ
  2. the wisdom of Christ
  3. the reaction of Christ
  4. the mind of Christ
  5. the thoughts of Christ
  6. the faith of Christ
  7. the boldness of Christ
  8. the zeal of Christ
  9. the confidence of Christ
  10. the countenance of Christ
  11. the compassion of Christ
  12. the love of Christ

Scriptural Reference:  The book of Matthew (Chapter(s) 1-28)

Overview: Matthew is one of the gospels, this book is an account and testimony of Jesus Christ. It was written by Matthew, an educated tax collector who was one of the original twelve apostles. He understood the importance of supporting his testimony with old testament prophecy, which he cited over 50 times. This book of Matthew is a balance of stories, teachings, miracles, and prophecies.

Number of Chapters: 28

Type: Gospel, Synoptic

Written: 60-65AD

Study Structure: During your personal Mentor-Me-Jesus (MMJ) time, as you read through each chapter of the Book of Matthew, ask the Holy Spirit for revelation, in other to rightly identify the character of Christ, the wisdom of Christ, the reaction of Christ, the mind of Christ, the thoughts of Christ, the faith of Christ, the boldness of Christ, the zeal of Christ, the confidence of Christ, the countenance of Christ, the compassion of Christ, the love of Christ within the stories, teachings, miracles, and prophecies recorded. Also, ensure you take notes of your observations as you study. Finally be intentional to put your observations to practice by following His footprints as your Mentor, Role model, Saviour, and Redeemer.

Duration: Spread your study for 30 mins or more daily.