Welcome to our Prayer Diary Community!

We are excited to announce that the Prayer Diary for the year 2024 is open and ready to receive your submissions. If you have specific names and prayer requests that you would like to include in our Annual Prayer Diary, we invite you to share them with us via email. Your participation is valuable, and we consider it a privilege to stand in prayer with you.

As you submit your requests, remember that we are here to intercede on your behalf. Each week, we will lift up the names and requests listed in our Prayer Diary, seeking God's guidance, provision, and blessings. Your concerns matter to us, and we believe in the power of collective prayer to make a difference.

Please take a moment to send us an email with the name(s) you'd like to add to the list. Feel free to include specific prayer needs and desires. We assure you that there is no financial cost associated with submitting your names; our focus is solely on joining hearts in prayer.

In this journey of faith, let us encourage one another to trust God for answers. Regardless of the circumstances, we believe that He hears our prayers and responds according to His perfect will. Your act of faith in submitting your requests is an expression of trust in the One who is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all we can ask or imagine.

Thank you for being a part of our Prayer Diary community. We look forward to partnering with you in prayer and witnessing the faithfulness of our God.

Submitting your requests is simple and free

Submitting your requests is simple and free. Just send us an email with the name(s) you'd like to include, along with any specific prayer needs you may have. Each week, we will faithfully lift up these requests, standing together in faith and trust.

Recieve answers according to God's perfect will.

We believe in the transformative power of prayer, and as we unite our hearts in seeking God's guidance, provision, and blessings, we trust that He hears and answers according to His perfect will.

More than one name will be accepted

Add Name (Including Requests) to the Prayer Diary (Free)